Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This and That Tag

     Hi Everyone! Today I thought I'd do a tag post - I haven't done any yet, but will be doing more in the future as I think they are a fun way to get to know each other better! I was tagged by the lovely Lily over at Beauty with Lily. She is absolutely one of my favorite bloggers, I look forward to her posts so much! Go check her out!


1.) Blush or Bronzer: Definitely blush!
2.) Lip Gloss or Lipstick: Lipstick
3.) Eyeliner or Mascara: I'm probably alone in this as I think most women would say mascara, but I'm going with eyeliner. I think my eyes look naked with just mascara.
4.) Foundation or Concealer: Ugh, this is so hard!! I have dark circles, but I think it would look weirder if I just had concealer on them and nothing else on my face, than if I had foundation on and my face was evened out but you could still see the circles. Long story short I think I'd go with foundation! :)
5.) Natural or Colored Eye Shadow: I'm gonna have to go with the neutrals
6.) Pressed or Loose Eye Shadow: Definitely pressed
7.) Brush or Sponge: I haven't tried the Beauty Blender yet, so I'm going with my Real Techniques Expert Face Brush


1.) OPI or China Glaze: Well, I've never used China Glaze, but I'm not the world's biggest fan of OPI either!
2.) Long or Short: Medium!
3.) Acrylic or Natural: Naturals
4.) Bright or Dark: Both, depends on the season, what I'm wearing, etc.
5.) Flower or No Flower: No flower I guess. I like designs and playing around with nail art, but I rarely do a flower.


1.) Perfume or Body Splash: I definitely wear body spray more often (addicted to Bath and Body Works!)
2.) Lotion or Body Butter: Lotion
3.) Body Wash or Soap: Body Wash
4.) Lush or Other: I've never tried Lush, I'm a huge fan of Bath and Body Works!


1.) Jeans or Sweat Pants: Jeans
2.) Long Sleeves or Short Sleeves: Long - I love chilly weather!
3.) Dress or Skirt: Both
4.) Scarves or Hat: Scarves
5.) Studs or Dangling Earring: I love wearing danglies and hoops!
6.) Necklace or Bracelet: Both!
7.) Heels or Flats: Usually flats, but heels when I'm going out.
8.) Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots: Hmm, I wear a lot of boots, but not in either of these styles.
9.) Jackets or Hoodies: Hoodies
10.) Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe: Charlotte Russe


1.) Curly or Straight: I almost always curl it when I'm going somewhere
2.) Bun or Ponytail: Ponytail
3.) Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips: Bobby Pins!
4.) Hairspray or Gel: Definitely hairspray!
5.) Long or Short: Long
6.) Dark or Light: Dark
7.) Side Swept Bangs or Fully Bangs: Mine are grown out, but I'd say side swept
8.) Up or Down: Down


1.) Rain or Shine: I like both!
2.) Summer or Winter: Winter
3.) Fall or Spring: Fall!!
4.) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

People I tag:
All Night Beauty
Kate Spitz
Nature with a Little Nurture
Lipgloss on my Latte

If you do this tag, leave me a comment with a link! :) I'd love to read your answers!

Have a wonderful day!

<3 Vanessa


  1. No fab tag! I might have to do this myself :D xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

  2. Awe, you're so sweet! ;) thanks for making my day!

    I have the same problem, dark circles! Ugh! They are awful, that's why I went with foundation as well.

    Glad you did this tag! :)

  3. I completed this tag! Check mine out here

    Thanks again for tagging me!
